The Giant Incandescent Resonating Animation Festival is a celebration of independent animation, a showcase of the best of what's being made in Canada and around the world. The 17th annual GIRAF Festival runs November 19th-28th, and will feature a program of astounding, inventive, beautiful, mind-altering and unexpected animated films. Based in Calgary, GIRAF is Western Canada's longest running animation festival, bringing nearly 90 short films, artist talks and workshops to audiences this year. You can catch Forgotten online, on demand in the Canadian Showcase.
GIRAF is run by the Quickdraw Animation Society, a member driven not-for-profit that fosters a creative community through resources and opportunities that further animation arts and culture. Quickdraw is committed to honouring and developing the medium of animation in new and unimagined directions.
To purchase tickets or for more information click here!